Package-level declarations


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value class Constraints(value: Long)

Immutable constraints for measuring layouts, used by layouts or layout modifiers to measure their layout children. The parent chooses the Constraints defining a range, in pixels, within which the measured layout should choose a size:

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value class IntOffset

A two-dimensional position using Int cells for units

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value class IntSize

A two-dimensional size class used for measuring in Int cells.


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Takes otherConstraints and returns the result of coercing them in the current constraints. Note this means that any size satisfying the resulting constraints will satisfy the current constraints, but they might not satisfy the otherConstraints when the two set of constraints are disjoint. Examples (showing only width, height works the same): (minWidth=2, maxWidth=10).constrain(minWidth=7, maxWidth=12) -> (minWidth = 7, maxWidth = 10) (minWidth=2, maxWidth=10).constrain(minWidth=11, maxWidth=12) -> (minWidth=10, maxWidth=10) (minWidth=2, maxWidth=10).constrain(minWidth=5, maxWidth=7) -> (minWidth=5, maxWidth=7)

Takes a size and returns the closest size to it that satisfies the constraints.

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fun Constraints.constrainHeight(height: Int): Int

Takes a height and returns the closest size to it that satisfies the constraints.

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fun Constraints(minWidth: Int = 0, maxWidth: Int = Constraints.Infinity, minHeight: Int = 0, maxHeight: Int = Constraints.Infinity): Constraints

Create a Constraints. minWidth and minHeight must be positive and maxWidth and maxHeight must be greater than or equal to minWidth and minHeight, respectively, or Infinity.

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fun Constraints.constrainWidth(width: Int): Int

Takes a width and returns the closest size to it that satisfies the constraints.

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fun IntOffset(x: Int, y: Int): IntOffset

Constructs a IntOffset from x and y position Int values.

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fun IntSize(width: Int, height: Int): IntSize

Constructs an IntSize from width and height Int values.

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Takes a size and returns whether it satisfies the current constraints.

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fun Constraints.offset(horizontal: Int = 0, vertical: Int = 0): Constraints

Returns the Constraints obtained by offsetting the current instance with the given values.