Uses of Class

Packages that use PingdomApiService
com.jakewharton.pingdom Classes which assist in marshalling the native builder methods to proper remote API calls and the resulting JSON to POJOs specifically for the Pingdom RESTful API. Service classes provide implementations for the interaction with and assembling of specific remote API calls. 

Uses of PingdomApiService in com.jakewharton.pingdom

Constructors in com.jakewharton.pingdom with parameters of type PingdomApiService
PingdomApiBuilder(PingdomApiService service,<T> token, String urlFormat)
          Initialize a new builder for an HTTP GET call.
PingdomApiBuilder(PingdomApiService service,<T> token, String urlFormat, double apiVersion)
          Initalize a new builder for an HTTP GET call with specified API version.
PingdomApiBuilder(PingdomApiService service,<T> token, String urlFormat, PingdomApiBuilder.HttpMethod method)
          Initialize a new builder for the specified HTTP method call.
PingdomApiBuilder(PingdomApiService service,<T> token, String urlFormat, PingdomApiBuilder.HttpMethod method, double apiVersion)
          Initialize a new builder for the specified HTTP method and API version.

Uses of PingdomApiService in

Subclasses of PingdomApiService in
 class ActionsService
          Represents Pingdom's remote actions service.
 class AnalysisService
          Represents Pingdom's remote analysis service.
 class CheckService
          Represents Pingdom's remote check service.
 class ContactService
          Represents Pingdom's remote contact service.
 class ProbeService
          Represents Pingdom's remote probe service.
 class ReferenceService
          Represents Pingdom's remote reference service.
 class ReportsEmailService
          Represents Pingdom's remote email reports service.
 class ReportsPublicService
          Represents Pingdom's remote public reports service.
 class ReportsSharedService
          Represents Pingdom's remote shared reports service.
 class ResultsService
          Represents Pingdom's remote results service.
 class ServerTimeService
          Represents Pingdom's remote server time service.
 class SettingsService
          Represents Pingdom's remote settings service.
 class SummaryAverageService
          Represents Pingdom's remote summary average service.
 class SummaryOutageService
          Represents Pingdom's remote summary outage service.
 class SummaryPerformanceService
          Represents Pingdom's remote summary performance service.
 class SummaryProbeService
          Represents Pingdom's remote summary probe service.
 class TraceRouteService
          Represents Pingdom's remote trace route service.

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