Package com.jakewharton.pingdom.entities

Immutable POJOs which provide native object representation of the JSON returned by remote API calls.


Class Summary
Actions Represents a Pingdom actions object.
Actions.Alert Represents a Pingdom alert object.
Analysis Represents a Pingdom analysis object.
Check Represents a Pingdom check object.
Check.CheckTypeBase An encompassing base class which allows for the deserialization of all complex check-type objects to a single native object.
Check.CheckTypeWrapper Wrapper for CheckType which allows for deserializing either the simple string type or a more complex object representation of the type with a single class.
Check.DnsType Check.CheckTypeBase wrapper which only exposes methods appropriate for a DNS check type.
Check.HttpCustomType Check.CheckTypeBase wrapper which only exposes methods appropriate for an HTTP custom check type.
Check.HttpType Check.CheckTypeBase wrapper which only exposes methods appropriate for an HTTP check type.
Check.ImapType Check.CheckTypeBase wrapper which only exposes methods appropriate for an HTTP check type.
Check.PingType Check.CheckTypeBase wrapper which only exposes methods appropriate for a ping check type.
Check.Pop3Type Check.CheckTypeBase wrapper which only exposes methods appropriate for a POP 3 check type.
Check.SmtpType Check.CheckTypeBase wrapper which only exposes methods appropriate for an SMTP check type.
Check.TcpType Check.CheckTypeBase wrapper which only exposes methods appropriate for a TCP check type.
Check.UdpType Check.CheckTypeBase wrapper which only exposes methods appropriate for a UDP check type.
Contact Represents a Pingdom contact object.
Error Represents a Pingdom error object.
Message Represents a Pingdom message object.
Probe Represents a Pingdom probe object.
RawResults Represents a Pingdom raw results object.
RawResults.Results Represents a Pingdom results object.
Reference Represents a Pingdom reference object.
Reference.DateTimeFormat Represents a Pingdom date/time format object.
Reference.NumberFormat Represents a Pingdom number object.
Reference.Region Represents a Pingdom region object.
Reference.TimeZone Represents a Pingdom time zone object.
ReportPublic Represents a Pingdom public report object.
ReportShared Represents a Pingdom shared report object.
ReportShared.Banner Represents a Pingdom shared report banner object.
ReportSubscription Represents a Pingdom report subscription object.
ServerTime Represents a Pingdom server time object.
Settings Represents a Pingdom settings object.
Settings.Country Represents a Pingdom country object.
Settings.PublicReports Represents a Pingdom public report settings object.
Settings.TimeZone Represents a Pingdom time zone object.
SummaryAverage Represents a Pingdom summary average object.
SummaryAverage.ResponseTime Represents a Pingdom response time object.
SummaryAverage.ResponseTime.AvgResponseWrapper Wrapper for the average response field of a SummaryAverage.ResponseTime providing either a single integer value or a list of probe-specific response times.
SummaryAverage.ResponseTime.ProbeResponseTime Represents a Pingdom probe response time object.
SummaryAverage.Status Represents a Pingdom summary average status object.
SummaryOutage Represents a Pingdom summary outage object.
SummaryOutage.State Represents a Pingdom summary outage status object.
SummaryPerformance Represents a Pingdom summary performance object.
SummaryPerformance.Day Represents a Pingdom summary performance day object.
SummaryPerformance.Hour Represents a Pingdom summary performance hour object.
SummaryPerformance.Week Represents a Pingdom summary performance week object.
TraceRoute Represents a Pingdom trace route object.

Package com.jakewharton.pingdom.entities Description

Immutable POJOs which provide native object representation of the JSON returned by remote API calls.

All classes must implement the PingdomEntity interface.

Copyright © 2011 Jake Wharton. All Rights Reserved.