Class SsaDumper

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SsaDumper extends BlockDumper
Dumper for the SSA-translated blocks of a method.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • dump Link icon

      public static void dump(byte[] bytes, PrintStream out, String filePath, args)
      Does the dump.
      bytes - non-null; bytes of the original class file
      out - non-null; where to dump to
      filePath - the file path for the class, excluding any base directory specification
      args - commandline parsedArgs
    • endParsingMember Link icon

      public void endParsingMember(ByteArray bytes, int offset, String name, String descriptor, Member member)
      Indicate that a particular member is no longer being parsed.
      Specified by:
      endParsingMember in interface ParseObserver
      endParsingMember in class BlockDumper
      bytes - non-null; the source that was parsed
      offset - offset into bytes for the end of the member
      name - non-null; name of the member
      descriptor - non-null; descriptor of the member
      member - non-null; the actual member that was parsed