Class DalvInsn

Direct Known Subclasses:
FixedSizeInsn, VariableSizeInsn, ZeroSizeInsn

public abstract class DalvInsn extends Object
Base class for Dalvik instructions.
  • Constructor Summary

    DalvInsn(Dop opcode, SourcePosition position, RegisterSpecList registers)
    Constructs an instance.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected abstract String
    Gets the string form for any arguments to this instance.
    abstract int
    Gets the size of this instruction, in 16-bit code units.
    Helper which returns the comment form of the associated constants for inclusion in a human oriented listing dump.
    Helper which returns the string form of the associated constants for inclusion in a human oriented listing dump.
    expandedPrefix(BitSet compatRegs)
    Gets the instruction prefix required, if any, to use in an expanded version of this instance.
    expandedSuffix(BitSet compatRegs)
    Gets the instruction suffix required, if any, to use in an expanded version of this instance.
    expandedVersion(BitSet compatRegs)
    Gets the instruction that is equivalent to this one, except that it replaces incompatible registers with sequential registers starting at 0 (storing the result, if any, in register 0 as well).
    final int
    Gets the output address of this instruction, if it is known.
    Gets the instruction that is equivalent to this one, except that it uses sequential registers starting at 0 (storing the result, if any, in register 0 as well).
    final int
    Gets the minimum distinct registers required for this instruction.
    final int
    Gets the address immediately after this instance.
    final Dop
    Gets the opcode.
    Gets the source position.
    Gets the register list for this instruction.
    final boolean
    Gets whether the address of this instruction is known.
    final boolean
    Returns whether this instance's opcode uses a result register.
    final String
    Gets the short identifier for this instruction.
    final String
    listingString(String prefix, int width, boolean noteIndices)
    Returns the string form of this instance suitable for inclusion in a human-oriented listing dump.
    protected abstract String
    listingString0(boolean noteIndices)
    Helper for listingString(java.lang.String, int, boolean), which returns the string form of this instance suitable for inclusion in a human-oriented listing dump, not including the instruction address and without respect for any output formatting.
    static SimpleInsn
    Makes a move instruction, appropriate and ideal for the given arguments.
    final void
    setAddress(int address)
    Sets the output address.
    final String
    Returns an instance that is just like this one, except that the register list is mapped by using mapper.
    abstract DalvInsn
    withOpcode(Dop opcode)
    Returns an instance that is just like this one, except that its opcode is replaced by the one given, and its address is reset.
    abstract DalvInsn
    withRegisterOffset(int delta)
    Returns an instance that is just like this one, except that all register references have been offset by the given delta, and its address is reset.
    abstract DalvInsn
    Returns an instance that is just like this one, except that the register list is replaced by the given one, and its address is reset.
    abstract void
    Writes this instance to the given output.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • DalvInsn

      public DalvInsn(Dop opcode, SourcePosition position, RegisterSpecList registers)
      Constructs an instance. The output address of this instance is initially unknown (-1).

      Note: In the unlikely event that an instruction takes absolutely no registers (e.g., a nop or a no-argument no-result static method call), then the given register list may be passed as RegisterSpecList.EMPTY.

      opcode - the opcode; one of the constants from Dops
      position - non-null; source position
      registers - non-null; register list, including a result register if appropriate (that is, registers may be either ins and outs)
  • Method Details

    • makeMove

      public static SimpleInsn makeMove(SourcePosition position, RegisterSpec dest, RegisterSpec src)
      Makes a move instruction, appropriate and ideal for the given arguments.
      position - non-null; source position information
      dest - non-null; destination register
      src - non-null; source register
      non-null; an appropriately-constructed instance
    • toString

      public final String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • hasAddress

      public final boolean hasAddress()
      Gets whether the address of this instruction is known.
      See Also:
    • getAddress

      public final int getAddress()
      Gets the output address of this instruction, if it is known. This throws a RuntimeException if it has not yet been set.
      >= 0; the output address
      See Also:
    • getOpcode

      public final Dop getOpcode()
      Gets the opcode.
      non-null; the opcode
    • getPosition

      public final SourcePosition getPosition()
      Gets the source position.
      non-null; the source position
    • getRegisters

      public final RegisterSpecList getRegisters()
      Gets the register list for this instruction.
      non-null; the registers
    • hasResult

      public final boolean hasResult()
      Returns whether this instance's opcode uses a result register. This method is a convenient shorthand for getOpcode().hasResult().
      true iff this opcode uses a result register
    • getMinimumRegisterRequirement

      public final int getMinimumRegisterRequirement(BitSet compatRegs)
      Gets the minimum distinct registers required for this instruction. Uses the given BitSet to determine which registers require replacement, and ignores registers that are already compatible. This assumes that the result (if any) can share registers with the sources (if any), that each source register is unique, and that (to be explicit here) category-2 values take up two consecutive registers.
      compatRegs - non-null; set of compatible registers
      >= 0; the minimum distinct register requirement
    • getLowRegVersion

      public DalvInsn getLowRegVersion()
      Gets the instruction that is equivalent to this one, except that it uses sequential registers starting at 0 (storing the result, if any, in register 0 as well).
      non-null; the replacement
    • expandedPrefix

      public DalvInsn expandedPrefix(BitSet compatRegs)
      Gets the instruction prefix required, if any, to use in an expanded version of this instance. Will not generate moves for registers marked compatible to the format by the given BitSet.
      compatRegs - non-null; set of compatible registers
      null-ok; the prefix, if any
      See Also:
    • expandedSuffix

      public DalvInsn expandedSuffix(BitSet compatRegs)
      Gets the instruction suffix required, if any, to use in an expanded version of this instance. Will not generate a move for a register marked compatible to the format by the given BitSet.
      compatRegs - non-null; set of compatible registers
      null-ok; the suffix, if any
      See Also:
    • expandedVersion

      public DalvInsn expandedVersion(BitSet compatRegs)
      Gets the instruction that is equivalent to this one, except that it replaces incompatible registers with sequential registers starting at 0 (storing the result, if any, in register 0 as well). The sequence of instructions from expandedPrefix(java.util.BitSet) and expandedSuffix(java.util.BitSet) (if non-null) surrounding the result of a call to this method are the expanded transformation of this instance, and it is guaranteed that the number of low registers used will be the number returned by getMinimumRegisterRequirement(java.util.BitSet).
      compatRegs - non-null; set of compatible registers
      non-null; the replacement
    • identifierString

      public final String identifierString()
      Gets the short identifier for this instruction. This is its address, if assigned, or its identity hashcode if not.
      non-null; the identifier
    • listingString

      public final String listingString(String prefix, int width, boolean noteIndices)
      Returns the string form of this instance suitable for inclusion in a human-oriented listing dump. This method will return null if this instance should not appear in a listing.
      prefix - non-null; prefix before the address; each follow-on line will be indented to match as well
      width - width >= 0; the width of the output or 0 for unlimited width
      noteIndices - whether to include an explicit notation of constant pool indices
      null-ok; the string form or null if this instance should not appear in a listing
    • setAddress

      public final void setAddress(int address)
      Sets the output address.
      address - address >= 0; the output address
    • getNextAddress

      public final int getNextAddress()
      Gets the address immediately after this instance. This is only calculable if this instance's address is known, and it is equal to the address plus the length of the instruction format of this instance's opcode.
      >= 0; the next address
    • withMapper

      public DalvInsn withMapper(RegisterMapper mapper)
      Returns an instance that is just like this one, except that the register list is mapped by using mapper.
      mapper - non-null; used to map registers
      non-null; an appropriately-constructed instance
    • codeSize

      public abstract int codeSize()
      Gets the size of this instruction, in 16-bit code units.
      >= 0; the code size of this instruction
    • writeTo

      public abstract void writeTo(AnnotatedOutput out)
      Writes this instance to the given output. This method should never annotate the output.
      out - non-null; where to write to
    • withOpcode

      public abstract DalvInsn withOpcode(Dop opcode)
      Returns an instance that is just like this one, except that its opcode is replaced by the one given, and its address is reset.
      opcode - non-null; the new opcode
      non-null; an appropriately-constructed instance
    • withRegisterOffset

      public abstract DalvInsn withRegisterOffset(int delta)
      Returns an instance that is just like this one, except that all register references have been offset by the given delta, and its address is reset.
      delta - the amount to offset register references by
      non-null; an appropriately-constructed instance
    • withRegisters

      public abstract DalvInsn withRegisters(RegisterSpecList registers)
      Returns an instance that is just like this one, except that the register list is replaced by the given one, and its address is reset.
      registers - non-null; new register list
      non-null; an appropriately-constructed instance
    • argString

      protected abstract String argString()
      Gets the string form for any arguments to this instance. Subclasses must override this.
      null-ok; the string version of any arguments or null if there are none
    • listingString0

      protected abstract String listingString0(boolean noteIndices)
      Helper for listingString(java.lang.String, int, boolean), which returns the string form of this instance suitable for inclusion in a human-oriented listing dump, not including the instruction address and without respect for any output formatting. This method should return null if this instance should not appear in a listing.
      noteIndices - whether to include an explicit notation of constant pool indices
      null-ok; the listing string
    • cstString

      public String cstString()
      Helper which returns the string form of the associated constants for inclusion in a human oriented listing dump. This method is only implemented for instructions with one or more constants.
      the constant as a string.
    • cstComment

      public String cstComment()
      Helper which returns the comment form of the associated constants for inclusion in a human oriented listing dump. This method is only implemented for instructions with one or more constants.
      the comment as a string.