Class AnnotationItem

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class AnnotationItem extends OffsettedItem
Single annotation, which consists of a type and a set of name-value element pairs.
  • Constructor Details

    • AnnotationItem

      public AnnotationItem(Annotation annotation, DexFile dexFile)
      Constructs an instance.
      annotation - non-null; annotation to represent
      dexFile - non-null; dex output
  • Method Details

    • sortByTypeIdIndex

      public static void sortByTypeIdIndex(AnnotationItem[] array)
      Sorts an array of instances, in place, by type id index, ignoring all other aspects of the elements. This is only valid to use after type id indices are known.
      array - non-null; array to sort
    • itemType

      public ItemType itemType()
      Returns the item type for this instance.
      Specified by:
      itemType in class Item
      non-null; the item type
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • compareTo0

      protected int compareTo0(OffsettedItem other)
      Compares this instance to another which is guaranteed to be of the same class. The default implementation of this method is to throw an exception (unsupported operation). If a particular class needs to actually sort, then it should override this method.
      compareTo0 in class OffsettedItem
      other - non-null; instance to compare to
      -1, 0, or 1, depending on the sort order of this instance and the other
    • toHuman

      public String toHuman()
      Gets a short human-readable string representing this instance.
      Specified by:
      toHuman in class OffsettedItem
      non-null; the human form
    • addContents

      public void addContents(DexFile file)
      Populates a DexFile with items from within this instance. This will not add an item to the file for this instance itself (which should have been done by whatever refers to this instance).

      Note: Subclasses must override this to do something appropriate.

      Specified by:
      addContents in class Item
      file - non-null; the file to populate
    • place0

      protected void place0(Section addedTo, int offset)
      Does additional work required when placing an instance. The default implementation of this method is a no-op. If a particular class needs to do something special, then it should override this method. In particular, if this instance did not know its write size up-front, then this method is responsible for setting it.
      place0 in class OffsettedItem
      addedTo - non-null; the section this instance has been added to
      offset - >= 0; the offset from the start of the section where this instance was placed
    • annotateTo

      public void annotateTo(AnnotatedOutput out, String prefix)
      Write a (listing file) annotation for this instance to the given output, that consumes no bytes of output. This is for annotating a reference to this instance at the point of the reference.
      out - non-null; where to output to
      prefix - non-null; prefix for each line of output
    • writeTo0

      protected void writeTo0(DexFile file, AnnotatedOutput out)
      Performs the actual write of the contents of this instance to the given data section. This is called by OffsettedItem.writeTo(,, which will have taken care of ensuring alignment.
      Specified by:
      writeTo0 in class OffsettedItem
      file - non-null; the file to use for reference
      out - non-null; where to write to