Class DecodedInstruction

Direct Known Subclasses:
FillArrayDataPayloadDecodedInstruction, FiveRegisterDecodedInstruction, FourRegisterDecodedInstruction, InvokePolymorphicDecodedInstruction, InvokePolymorphicRangeDecodedInstruction, OneRegisterDecodedInstruction, PackedSwitchPayloadDecodedInstruction, RegisterRangeDecodedInstruction, SparseSwitchPayloadDecodedInstruction, ThreeRegisterDecodedInstruction, TwoRegisterDecodedInstruction, ZeroRegisterDecodedInstruction

public abstract class DecodedInstruction extends Object
A decoded Dalvik instruction. This consists of a format codec, a numeric opcode, an optional index type, and any additional arguments of the instruction. The additional arguments (if any) are represented as uninterpreted data.

Note: The names of the arguments are not meant to match the names given in the Dalvik instruction format specification, specification which just names fields (somewhat) arbitrarily alphabetically from A. In this class, non-register fields are given descriptive names and register fields are consistently named alphabetically.

  • Constructor Details

    • DecodedInstruction

      public DecodedInstruction(InstructionCodec format, int opcode, int index, IndexType indexType, int target, long literal)
      Constructs an instance.
  • Method Details

    • decode

      public static DecodedInstruction decode(CodeInput in) throws EOFException
      Decodes an instruction from the given input source.
    • decodeAll

      public static DecodedInstruction[] decodeAll(short[] encodedInstructions)
      Decodes an array of instructions. The result has non-null elements at each offset that represents the start of an instruction.
    • getFormat

      public final InstructionCodec getFormat()
    • getOpcode

      public final int getOpcode()
    • getOpcodeUnit

      public final short getOpcodeUnit()
      Gets the opcode, as a code unit.
    • getIndex

      public final int getIndex()
    • getIndexUnit

      public final short getIndexUnit()
      Gets the index, as a code unit.
    • getIndexType

      public final IndexType getIndexType()
    • getTarget

      public final int getTarget()
      Gets the raw target.
    • getTarget

      public final int getTarget(int baseAddress)
      Gets the target as a relative offset from the given address.
    • getTargetUnit

      public final short getTargetUnit(int baseAddress)
      Gets the target as a relative offset from the given base address, as a code unit. This will throw if the value is out of the range of a signed code unit.
    • getTargetByte

      public final int getTargetByte(int baseAddress)
      Gets the target as a relative offset from the given base address, masked to be a byte in size. This will throw if the value is out of the range of a signed byte.
    • getLiteral

      public final long getLiteral()
    • getLiteralInt

      public final int getLiteralInt()
      Gets the literal value, masked to be an int in size. This will throw if the value is out of the range of a signed int.
    • getLiteralUnit

      public final short getLiteralUnit()
      Gets the literal value, as a code unit. This will throw if the value is out of the range of a signed code unit.
    • getLiteralByte

      public final int getLiteralByte()
      Gets the literal value, masked to be a byte in size. This will throw if the value is out of the range of a signed byte.
    • getLiteralNibble

      public final int getLiteralNibble()
      Gets the literal value, masked to be a nibble in size. This will throw if the value is out of the range of a signed nibble.
    • getRegisterCount

      public abstract int getRegisterCount()
    • getA

      public int getA()
    • getB

      public int getB()
    • getC

      public int getC()
    • getD

      public int getD()
    • getE

      public int getE()
    • getRegisterCountUnit

      public final short getRegisterCountUnit()
      Gets the register count, as a code unit. This will throw if the value is out of the range of an unsigned code unit.
    • getAUnit

      public final short getAUnit()
      Gets the A register number, as a code unit. This will throw if the value is out of the range of an unsigned code unit.
    • getAByte

      public final short getAByte()
      Gets the A register number, as a byte. This will throw if the value is out of the range of an unsigned byte.
    • getANibble

      public final short getANibble()
      Gets the A register number, as a nibble. This will throw if the value is out of the range of an unsigned nibble.
    • getBUnit

      public final short getBUnit()
      Gets the B register number, as a code unit. This will throw if the value is out of the range of an unsigned code unit.
    • getBByte

      public final short getBByte()
      Gets the B register number, as a byte. This will throw if the value is out of the range of an unsigned byte.
    • getBNibble

      public final short getBNibble()
      Gets the B register number, as a nibble. This will throw if the value is out of the range of an unsigned nibble.
    • getCUnit

      public final short getCUnit()
      Gets the C register number, as a code unit. This will throw if the value is out of the range of an unsigned code unit.
    • getCByte

      public final short getCByte()
      Gets the C register number, as a byte. This will throw if the value is out of the range of an unsigned byte.
    • getCNibble

      public final short getCNibble()
      Gets the C register number, as a nibble. This will throw if the value is out of the range of an unsigned nibble.
    • getDUnit

      public final short getDUnit()
      Gets the D register number, as a code unit. This will throw if the value is out of the range of an unsigned code unit.
    • getDByte

      public final short getDByte()
      Gets the D register number, as a byte. This will throw if the value is out of the range of an unsigned byte.
    • getDNibble

      public final short getDNibble()
      Gets the D register number, as a nibble. This will throw if the value is out of the range of an unsigned nibble.
    • getENibble

      public final short getENibble()
      Gets the E register number, as a nibble. This will throw if the value is out of the range of an unsigned nibble.
    • encode

      public final void encode(CodeOutput out)
      Encodes this instance to the given output.
    • withIndex

      public abstract DecodedInstruction withIndex(int newIndex)
      Returns an instance just like this one, except with the index replaced with the given one.
    • withProtoIndex

      public DecodedInstruction withProtoIndex(int newIndex, int newProtoIndex)
      Update the instruction with a new 45cc or 4rcc proto index.
    • getProtoIndex

      public short getProtoIndex()
      Returns a 45cc or 4rcc proto index.