Class Dominators


public final class Dominators extends Object
This class computes dominator and post-dominator information using the Lengauer-Tarjan method. See A Fast Algorithm for Finding Dominators in a Flowgraph T. Lengauer & R. Tarjan, ACM TOPLAS July 1979, pgs 121-141. This implementation runs in time O(n log n). The time bound could be changed to O(n * ack(n)) with a small change to the link and eval, and an addition of a child field to the DFS info. In reality, the constant overheads are high enough that the current method is faster in all but the strangest artificially constructed examples. The basic idea behind this algorithm is to perform a DFS walk, keeping track of various info about parents. We then use this info to calculate the dominators, using union-find structures to link together the DFS info, then finally evaluate the union-find results to get the dominators. This implementation is m log n because it does not perform union by rank to keep the union-find tree balanced.
  • Method Details

    • make

      public static Dominators make(SsaMethod meth, DomFront.DomInfo[] domInfos, boolean postdom)
      Constructs a fully-initialized instance. (This method exists so as to avoid calling a large amount of code in the constructor.)
      meth - non-null; method to process
      domInfos - non-null; the raw dominator info
      postdom - true for postdom information, false for normal dom info