Animatable is a value holder that automatically animates its value when the value is changed via animateTo. If animateTo is invoked during an ongoing value change animation, a new animation will transition Animatable from its current value (i.e. value at the point of interruption) to the new targetValue. This ensures that the value change is always continuous using animateTo. If a spring animation (e.g. default animation) is used with animateTo, the velocity change will guarantee to be continuous as well.
Unlike AnimationState, Animatable ensures mutual exclusiveness on its animations. To achieve this, when a new animation is started via animateTo (or animateDecay), any ongoing animation will be canceled via a CancellationException.
initial value of the animatable value holder
A two-way converter that converts the given type T from and to AnimationVector
Threshold at which the animation may round off to its target value.
An optional label for differentiating this animation from others.
See also
Lower bound of the animation, null by default (meaning no lower bound). Bounds can be changed using updateBounds.
The target of the current animation. If the animation finishes un-interrupted, it will reach this target value.
Upper bound of the animation, null by default (meaning no upper bound). Bounds can be changed using updateBounds.
Returns the velocity, converted from velocityVector.
Velocity vector of the animation (in the form of AnimationVector.
Start a decay animation (i.e. an animation that slows down from the given initialVelocity starting at current Animatable.value until the velocity reaches 0. If there's already an ongoing animation, the animation in-flight will be immediately cancelled. Decay animation is often used after a fling gesture.
Starts an animation to animate from value to the provided targetValue. If there is already an animation in-flight, this method will cancel the ongoing animation before starting a new animation continuing the current value and velocity. It's recommended to set the optional initialVelocity only when animateTo is used immediately after a fling. In most of the other cases, altering velocity would result in visual discontinuity.
Sets the current value to the target value, without any animation. This will also cancel any on-going animation with a CancellationException. This function will return after canceling any on-going animation and updating the Animatable.value and Animatable.targetValue to the provided targetValue.
Updates either lowerBound or upperBound, or both. This will update Animatable.lowerBound and/or Animatable.upperBound accordingly after a check to ensure the provided lowerBound is no greater than upperBound in any dimension.