Factory method for creating an AnimationState for Float initialValue.
A new AnimationState instance
initial value of the AnimationState
initial velocity of the AnimationState, 0 (i.e. no velocity) by default
last frame time of the animation, AnimationConstants.UnspecifiedTime by default
the time that the animation finished successfully, AnimationConstants.UnspecifiedTime by default.
whether the AnimationState is currently being updated by an animation. False by default
Factory method for creating an AnimationState with an initialValue and an initialVelocity.
A new AnimationState instance
com.jakewharton.mosaic.animation.TwoWayConverter to convert type T from and to AnimationVector
initial value of the AnimationState
initial velocity of the AnimationState
last frame time of the animation, AnimationConstants.UnspecifiedTime by default
the time that the animation finished successfully, AnimationConstants.UnspecifiedTime by default.
whether the AnimationState is currently being updated by an animation. False by default