
class CubicBezierEasing(a: Float, b: Float, c: Float, d: Float) : Easing

A cubic polynomial easing.

The CubicBezierEasing class implements third-order Bézier curves.

This is equivalent to the Android PathInterpolator when a single cubic Bézier curve is specified.

Note: CubicBezierEasing instances are stateless and can be used concurrently from multiple threads.

Rather than creating a new instance, consider using one of the common cubic Easings:



The x coordinate of the first control point. The line through the point (0, 0) and the first control point is tangent to the easing at the point (0, 0).


The y coordinate of the first control point. The line through the point (0, 0) and the first control point is tangent to the easing at the point (0, 0).


The x coordinate of the second control point. The line through the point (1, 1) and the second control point is tangent to the easing at the point (1, 1).


The y coordinate of the second control point. The line through the point (1, 1) and the second control point is tangent to the easing at the point (1, 1).

See also


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constructor(a: Float, b: Float, c: Float, d: Float)


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toString(): String
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open override fun transform(fraction: Float): Float

Transforms the specified fraction in the range 0..1 by this cubic Bézier curve. To solve the curve, fraction is used as the x coordinate along the curve, and the corresponding y coordinate on the curve is returned. If no solution exists, this method throws an IllegalArgumentException.