InfiniteRepeatableSpec repeats the provided animation infinite amount of times. It will never naturally finish. This means the animation will only be stopped via some form of manual cancellation. When used with transition or other animation composables, the infinite animations will stop when the composable is removed from the compose tree.
For non-infinite repeating animations, consider RepeatableSpec.
initialStartOffset can be used to either delay the start of the animation or to fast forward the animation to a given play time. This start offset will not be repeated, whereas the delay in the animation (if any) will be repeated. By default, the amount of offset is 0.
the AnimationSpec to be repeated
whether animation should repeat by starting from the beginning (i.e. RepeatMode.Restart) or from the end (i.e. RepeatMode.Reverse)
offsets the start of the animation
See also
Creates a com.jakewharton.mosaic.animation.VectorizedAnimationSpec with the given com.jakewharton.mosaic.animation.TwoWayConverter.