KeyframesSpecConfig stores a mutable configuration of the key frames, including durationMillis, delayMillis, and all the key frames. Each key frame defines what the animation value should be at a particular time. Once the key frames are fully configured, the KeyframesSpecConfig can be used to create a KeyframesSpec.
See also
The amount of time that the animation should be delayed. The minimum is 0
and defaults to 0.
Duration of the animation in milliseconds. The minimum is 0
and defaults to AnimationConstants.DefaultDurationMillis
Adds a keyframe so that the animation value will be the value specified at a fraction of the total durationMillis set. For example: 0.8f atFraction 0.50f // half of the overall duration set
com.jakewharton.mosaic.animation.ArcMode applied from this keyframe to the next.
Adds an com.jakewharton.mosaic.animation.Easing for the interval started with the just provided timestamp. For example: 0f at 50 using LinearEasing