KeyframesWithSplineSpec creates a keyframe based DurationBasedAnimationSpec using the Monotone cubic Hermite spline to interpolate between the values in config.
KeyframesWithSplineSpec may be used to animate any n-dimensional values, but you'll likely use it most to animate positional 2D values such as IntOffset. For example:
You may also provide a periodicBias value (between 0f and 1f) to make a periodic spline. Periodic splines adjust the initial and final velocity to be the same. This is useful to create smooth repeatable animations. Such as an infinite pulsating animation:
The periodicBias value (from 0.0 to 1.0) indicates how much of the original starting and final velocity are modified to achieve periodicity:
0f: Modifies only the starting velocity to match the final velocity
1f: Modifies only the final velocity to match the starting velocity
0.5f: Modifies both velocities equally, picking the average between the two
See also
Constructor that returns a periodic spline implementation.
Keyframe configuration class for KeyframesWithSplineSpec.
Creates a com.jakewharton.mosaic.animation.VectorizedAnimationSpec with the given com.jakewharton.mosaic.animation.TwoWayConverter.