@RestrictTo(value = [RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY] )
DeferredAnimation can be constructed using Transition.createDeferredAnimation during composition and initialized later. It is useful for animations, the target values for which are unknown at composition time (e.g. layout size/position, etc).
Once a DeferredAnimation is created, it can be configured and updated as needed using DeferredAnimation.animate method.
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fun animate(transitionSpec: Transition.Segment<S>.() -> FiniteAnimationSpec<T>, targetValueByState: (state: S) -> T): State<T>
DeferredAnimation allows the animation setup to be deferred until a later time after composition. animate can be used to set up a DeferredAnimation. Like other Transition animations such as Transition.animateFloat, DeferredAnimation also expects transitionSpec and targetValueByState for the mapping from target state to animation spec and target value, respectively.