Target based animation that takes the value and velocity from the AnimationState as the starting condition, and animate to the targetValue, using the animationSpec. During the animation, the given AnimationState will be updated with the up-to-date value/velocity, frame time, etc.
The target value that the animation will animate to.
The animation configuration that will be used. spring by default.
Indicates whether the animation should use the AnimationState.lastFrameTimeNanos as the starting time (if true), or start in a new frame. By default, sequentialAnimation is false, to start the animation in a few frame. In cases where an on-going animation is interrupted and a new animation is started to carry over the momentum, using the interruption time (captured in AnimationState.lastFrameTimeNanos) creates a smoother animation.
Will be invoked on every frame, and the AnimationScope will be checked against cancellation before the animation continues. To cancel the animation from the block, simply call AnimationScope.cancelAnimation. After AnimationScope.cancelAnimation is called, block will not be invoked again. The animation loop will exit after the block returns. All the animation related info can be accessed via AnimationScope.