
fun Modifier.composed(factory: @Composable Modifier.() -> Modifier): Modifier

Declare a just-in-time composition of a Modifier that will be composed for each element it modifies. composed may be used to implement stateful modifiers that have instance-specific state for each modified element, allowing the same Modifier instance to be safely reused for multiple elements while maintaining element-specific state.

materialize must be called to create instance-specific modifiers if you are directly applying a Modifier to an element tree node.

fun Modifier.composed(fullyQualifiedName: String, key1: Any?, factory: @Composable Modifier.() -> Modifier): Modifier
fun Modifier.composed(fullyQualifiedName: String, key1: Any?, key2: Any?, factory: @Composable Modifier.() -> Modifier): Modifier
fun Modifier.composed(fullyQualifiedName: String, key1: Any?, key2: Any?, key3: Any?, factory: @Composable Modifier.() -> Modifier): Modifier
fun Modifier.composed(fullyQualifiedName: String, vararg keys: Any?, factory: @Composable Modifier.() -> Modifier): Modifier

Declare a just-in-time composition of a Modifier that will be composed for each element it modifies. composed may be used to implement stateful modifiers that have instance-specific state for each modified element, allowing the same Modifier instance to be safely reused for multiple elements while maintaining element-specific state.

When keys are provided, composed produces a Modifier that will compare equals to another modifier constructed with the same keys in order to take advantage of caching and skipping optimizations. fullyQualifiedName should be the fully-qualified import name for your modifier factory function, e.g. com.example.myapp.ui.fancyPadding.

materialize must be called to create instance-specific modifiers if you are directly applying a Modifier to an element tree node.