Class OddSpacer

public final class OddSpacer extends VariableSizeInsn
Pseudo-instruction which either turns into a nop or nothingness, in order to make the subsequent instruction have an even address. This is used to align (subsequent) instructions that require it.
  • Constructor Details

    • OddSpacer

      public OddSpacer(SourcePosition position)
      Constructs an instance. The output address of this instance is initially unknown (-1).
      position - non-null; source position
  • Method Details

    • codeSize

      public int codeSize()
      Gets the size of this instruction, in 16-bit code units.
      Specified by:
      codeSize in class DalvInsn
      >= 0; the code size of this instruction
    • writeTo

      public void writeTo(AnnotatedOutput out)
      Writes this instance to the given output. This method should never annotate the output.
      Specified by:
      writeTo in class DalvInsn
      out - non-null; where to write to
    • withRegisters

      public DalvInsn withRegisters(RegisterSpecList registers)
      Returns an instance that is just like this one, except that the register list is replaced by the given one, and its address is reset.
      Specified by:
      withRegisters in class DalvInsn
      registers - non-null; new register list
      non-null; an appropriately-constructed instance
    • argString

      protected String argString()
      Gets the string form for any arguments to this instance. Subclasses must override this.
      Specified by:
      argString in class DalvInsn
      null-ok; the string version of any arguments or null if there are none
    • listingString0

      protected String listingString0(boolean noteIndices)
      Helper for DalvInsn.listingString(java.lang.String, int, boolean), which returns the string form of this instance suitable for inclusion in a human-oriented listing dump, not including the instruction address and without respect for any output formatting. This method should return null if this instance should not appear in a listing.
      Specified by:
      listingString0 in class DalvInsn
      noteIndices - whether to include an explicit notation of constant pool indices
      null-ok; the listing string