Class CstBaseMethodRef

All Implemented Interfaces:
TypeBearer, ToHuman, Comparable<Constant>
Direct Known Subclasses:
CstInterfaceMethodRef, CstMethodRef

public abstract class CstBaseMethodRef extends CstMemberRef
Base class for constants of "methodish" type.

Note: As a TypeBearer, this class bears the return type of the method.

  • Method Details

    • getPrototype

      public final Prototype getPrototype()
      Gets the raw prototype of this method. This doesn't include a this argument.
      non-null; the method prototype
    • getPrototype

      public final Prototype getPrototype(boolean isStatic)
      Gets the prototype of this method as either a static or instance method. In the case of a static method, this is the same as the raw prototype. In the case of an instance method, this has an appropriately-typed this argument as the first one.
      isStatic - whether the method should be considered static
      non-null; the method prototype
    • compareTo0

      protected final int compareTo0(Constant other)
      Compare the values of this and another instance, which are guaranteed to be of the same class. Subclasses must implement this.

      Note: This implementation just compares the defining class and name, and it is up to subclasses to compare the rest after calling super.compareTo0().

      compareTo0 in class CstMemberRef
      other - non-null; the instance to compare to
      -1, 0, or 1, as usual for a comparison
    • getType

      public final Type getType()
      Gets the type associated with this instance. In this case, this method returns the return type of this method.
      non-null; the method's return type
    • getParameterWordCount

      public final int getParameterWordCount(boolean isStatic)
      Gets the number of words of parameters required by this method's descriptor. Since instances of this class have no way to know if they will be used in a static or instance context, one has to indicate this explicitly as an argument. This method is just a convenient shorthand for getPrototype().getParameterTypes().getWordCount(), plus 1 if the method is to be treated as an instance method.
      isStatic - whether the method should be considered static
      >= 0; the argument word count
    • isInstanceInit

      public final boolean isInstanceInit()
      Gets whether this is a reference to an instance initialization method. This is just a convenient shorthand for getNat().isInstanceInit().
      true iff this is a reference to an instance initialization method
    • isClassInit

      public final boolean isClassInit()
      Gets whether this is a reference to a class initialization method. This is just a convenient shorthand for getNat().isClassInit().
      true iff this is a reference to an instance initialization method
    • isSignaturePolymorphic

      public final boolean isSignaturePolymorphic()
      Get whether this is a reference to a signature polymorphic method. This means it is defined in java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle and is either the invoke or the invokeExact method.
      true iff this is a reference to a signature polymorphic method.