Interface ToHuman

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Annotation, AnnotationsList, AnnotationVisibility, BasicBlockList, BootstrapMethodArgumentsList, BootstrapMethodsList, ByteBlockList, ByteCatchList, CatchHandlerList, CatchTable, Constant, CstAnnotation, CstArray, CstArray.List, CstBaseMethodRef, CstBoolean, CstByte, CstCallSite, CstCallSiteRef, CstChar, CstDouble, CstEnumRef, CstFieldRef, CstFloat, CstInsn, CstInteger, CstInterfaceMethodRef, CstInvokeDynamic, CstKnownNull, CstLiteral32, CstLiteral64, CstLiteralBits, CstLong, CstMemberRef, CstMethodHandle, CstMethodRef, CstNat, CstProtoRef, CstShort, CstString, CstType, DalvInsnList, EncodedField, EncodedMember, EncodedMethod, FieldAnnotationStruct, FillArrayDataInsn, FixedSizeList, InnerClassList, Insn, InsnList, InvokePolymorphicInsn, ItemType, LabeledList, LineNumberList, LocalList, LocalsArray, LocalsArraySet, LocalVariableList, MethodAnnotationStruct, NormalSsaInsn, OneLocalsArray, ParameterAnnotationStruct, PhiInsn, PlainCstInsn, PlainInsn, PositionList, RegisterSpec, RegisterSpecList, ReturnAddress, SsaInsn, StdAttributeList, StdFieldList, StdMethodList, StdTypeList, SwitchInsn, ThrowingCstInsn, ThrowingInsn, Type, TypedConstant

public interface ToHuman
Simple interface for objects that can return a "human" (as opposed to a complete but often hard to read) string form.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Return the "human" string form of this instance.
  • Method Details

    • toHuman

      String toHuman()
      Return the "human" string form of this instance. This is generally less "debuggy" than toString().
      non-null; the human string form