
This interface provides a convenient way to query from an com.jakewharton.mosaic.animation.VectorizedAnimationSpec or com.jakewharton.mosaic.animation.FloatDecayAnimationSpec: It spares the need to pass the starting conditions and in some cases ending condition for each value or velocity query, and instead only requires the play time to be passed for such queries.

The implementation of this interface should cache the starting conditions and ending conditions of animations as needed.

Note: Animation does not track the lifecycle of an animation. It merely reacts to play time change and returns the new value/velocity as a result. It can be used as a building block for more lifecycle aware animations. In contrast, com.jakewharton.mosaic.animation.Animatable and com.jakewharton.mosaic.animation.Transition are stateful and manage their own lifecycles.

See also



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abstract val durationNanos: Long

This amount of time in nanoseconds that the animation will run before it finishes

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abstract val isInfinite: Boolean

Whether or not the Animation represents an infinite animation. That is, one that will not finish by itself, one that needs an external action to stop. For examples, an indeterminate progress bar, which will only stop when it is removed from the composition.

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abstract val targetValue: T

This is the value that the Animation will reach when it finishes uninterrupted.

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The com.jakewharton.mosaic.animation.TwoWayConverter that will be used to convert value/velocity from any arbitrary data type to AnimationVector. This makes it possible to animate different dimensions of the data object independently (e.g. x/y dimensions of the position data).


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abstract fun getValueFromNanos(playTimeNanos: Long): T

Returns the value of the animation at the given play time.

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fun <T, V : AnimationVector> Animation<T, V>.getVelocityFromNanos(playTimeNanos: Long): T

Returns the velocity of the animation at the given play time.

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abstract fun getVelocityVectorFromNanos(playTimeNanos: Long): V

Returns the velocity (in AnimationVector form) of the animation at the given play time.

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open fun isFinishedFromNanos(playTimeNanos: Long): Boolean

Returns whether the animation is finished at the given play time.