
inline fun <S> Transition<S>.animateColor(noinline transitionSpec: @Composable Transition.Segment<S>.() -> FiniteAnimationSpec<Color> = { spring() }, label: String = "ColorAnimation", targetValueByState: @Composable (state: S) -> Color): State<Color>

Creates a Color animation as a part of the given Transition. This means the lifecycle of this animation will be managed by the Transition.

targetValueByState is used as a mapping from a target state to the target value of this animation. Transition will be using this mapping to determine what value to target this animation towards. Note that targetValueByState is a composable function. This means the mapping function could access states, CompositionLocals, themes, etc. If the target value changes when the Transition already reached its targetState, the Transition will run an animation to ensure the new target value is reached smoothly.

An optional transitionSpec can be provided to specify (potentially different) animations for each pair of initialState and targetState. FiniteAnimationSpec can be used to describe such animations, such as tween, spring, keyframes and even repeatable, but not infiniteRepeatable. By default, transitionSpec uses a spring animation for all transition destinations.

label is used to differentiate from other animations in the same transition in Android Studio.


A State object, the value of which is updated by animation

See also

fun InfiniteTransition.animateColor(initialValue: Color, targetValue: Color, animationSpec: InfiniteRepeatableSpec<Color>, label: String = "ColorAnimation"): State<Color>

Creates a Color animation that runs infinitely as a part of the given InfiniteTransition.

Once the animation is created, it will run from initialValue to targetValue and repeat. Depending on the RepeatMode of the provided animationSpec, the animation could either restart after each iteration (i.e. RepeatMode.Restart), or reverse after each iteration (i.e . RepeatMode.Reverse).

If initialValue or targetValue is changed at any point during the animation, the animation will be restarted with the new initial/targetValue. Note: this means animation continuity will not be preserved when changing either initialValue or targetValue.

A label for differentiating this animation from others in android studio.

See also