
A Modifier that provides data to the parent Layout. This can be read from within the the Layout during measurement and positioning, via IntrinsicMeasurable.parentData. The parent data is commonly used to inform the parent how the child Layout should be measured and positioned.


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open override fun all(predicate: (Modifier.Element) -> Boolean): Boolean

Returns true if predicate returns true for all Elements in this Modifier or if this Modifier contains no Elements.

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open override fun any(predicate: (Modifier.Element) -> Boolean): Boolean

Returns true if predicate returns true for any Element in this Modifier.

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fun Modifier.aspectRatio(ratio: Float, matchHeightConstraintsFirst: Boolean = false): Modifier

Attempts to size the content to match a specified aspect ratio by trying to match one of the incoming constraints in the following order: Constraints.maxWidth, Constraints.maxHeight, Constraints.minWidth, Constraints.minHeight if matchHeightConstraintsFirst is false (which is the default), or Constraints.maxHeight, Constraints.maxWidth, Constraints.minHeight, Constraints.minWidth if matchHeightConstraintsFirst is true. The size in the other dimension is determined by the aspect ratio. The combinations will be tried in this order until one non-empty is found to satisfy the constraints. If no valid size is obtained this way, it means that there is no non-empty size satisfying both the constraints and the aspect ratio, so the constraints will not be respected and the content will be sized such that the Constraints.maxWidth or Constraints.maxHeight is matched (depending on matchHeightConstraintsFirst).

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fun Modifier.background(color: Color): Modifier
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fun Modifier.composed(factory: @Composable Modifier.() -> Modifier): Modifier
fun Modifier.composed(fullyQualifiedName: String, key1: Any?, factory: @Composable Modifier.() -> Modifier): Modifier
fun Modifier.composed(fullyQualifiedName: String, vararg keys: Any?, factory: @Composable Modifier.() -> Modifier): Modifier
fun Modifier.composed(fullyQualifiedName: String, key1: Any?, key2: Any?, factory: @Composable Modifier.() -> Modifier): Modifier
fun Modifier.composed(fullyQualifiedName: String, key1: Any?, key2: Any?, key3: Any?, factory: @Composable Modifier.() -> Modifier): Modifier

Declare a just-in-time composition of a Modifier that will be composed for each element it modifies. composed may be used to implement stateful modifiers that have instance-specific state for each modified element, allowing the same Modifier instance to be safely reused for multiple elements while maintaining element-specific state.

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fun Modifier.defaultMinSize(minWidth: Int = Unspecified, minHeight: Int = Unspecified): Modifier

Constrain the size of the wrapped layout only when it would be otherwise unconstrained: the minWidth and minHeight constraints are only applied when the incoming corresponding constraint is 0. The modifier can be used, for example, to define a default min size of a component, while still allowing it to be overidden with smaller min sizes across usages.

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fun Modifier.fillMaxHeight(fraction: Float = 1.0f): Modifier

Have the content fill (possibly only partially) the Constraints.maxHeight of the incoming measurement constraints, by setting the minimum height and the maximum height to be equal to the maximum height multiplied by fraction. Note that, by default, the fraction is 1, so the modifier will make the content fill the whole available height. If the incoming maximum height is Constraints.Infinity this modifier will have no effect.

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fun Modifier.fillMaxSize(fraction: Float = 1.0f): Modifier

Have the content fill (possibly only partially) the Constraints.maxWidth and Constraints.maxHeight of the incoming measurement constraints, by setting the minimum width and the maximum width to be equal to the maximum width multiplied by fraction, as well as the minimum height and the maximum height to be equal to the maximum height multiplied by fraction. Note that, by default, the fraction is 1, so the modifier will make the content fill the whole available space. If the incoming maximum width or height is Constraints.Infinity this modifier will have no effect in that dimension.

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fun Modifier.fillMaxWidth(fraction: Float = 1.0f): Modifier

Have the content fill (possibly only partially) the Constraints.maxWidth of the incoming measurement constraints, by setting the minimum width and the maximum width to be equal to the maximum width multiplied by fraction. Note that, by default, the fraction is 1, so the modifier will make the content fill the whole available width. If the incoming maximum width is Constraints.Infinity this modifier will have no effect.

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open override fun <R> foldIn(initial: R, operation: (R, Modifier.Element) -> R): R

Accumulates a value starting with initial and applying operation to the current value and each element from outside in.

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open override fun <R> foldOut(initial: R, operation: (Modifier.Element, R) -> R): R

Accumulates a value starting with initial and applying operation to the current value and each element from inside out.

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fun Modifier.height(intrinsicSize: IntrinsicSize): Modifier

Declare the preferred height of the content to be the same as the min or max intrinsic height of the content. The incoming measurement Constraints may override this value, forcing the content to be either smaller or larger.

fun Modifier.height(height: Int): Modifier

Declare the preferred height of the content to be exactly height. The incoming measurement Constraints may override this value, forcing the content to be either smaller or larger.

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fun Modifier.heightIn(min: Int = Unspecified, max: Int = Unspecified): Modifier

Constrain the height of the content to be between min and max as permitted by the incoming measurement Constraints. If the incoming constraints are more restrictive the requested size will obey the incoming constraints and attempt to be as close as possible to the preferred size.

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Creates a LayoutModifier that allows changing how the wrapped element is measured and laid out.

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fun Modifier.layoutId(layoutId: Any): Modifier

Tag the element with layoutId to identify the element within its parent.

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abstract fun modifyParentData(parentData: Any?): Any?

Provides a parentData, given the parentData already provided through the modifier's chain.

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fun Modifier.offset(offset: () -> IntOffset): Modifier

Offset the content by offset. The offsets can be positive as well as non-positive. Applying an offset only changes the position of the content, without interfering with its size measurement.

fun Modifier.offset(x: Int = 0, y: Int = 0): Modifier

Offset the content by (x, y). The offsets can be positive as well as non-positive. Applying an offset only changes the position of the content, without interfering with its size measurement.

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fun Modifier.onKeyEvent(onKeyEvent: (event: KeyEvent) -> Boolean): Modifier

Adding this modifier to the modifier parameter of a component will allow it to intercept key events.

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fun Modifier.onPreviewKeyEvent(onPreviewKeyEvent: (event: KeyEvent) -> Boolean): Modifier

Adding this modifier to the modifier parameter of a component will allow it to intercept key events.

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fun Modifier.padding(all: Int): Modifier
fun Modifier.padding(horizontal: Int = 0, vertical: Int = 0): Modifier
fun Modifier.padding(left: Int = 0, top: Int = 0, right: Int = 0, bottom: Int = 0): Modifier
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fun Modifier.requiredHeight(intrinsicSize: IntrinsicSize): Modifier

Declare the height of the content to be exactly the same as the min or max intrinsic height of the content. The incoming measurement Constraints will not override this value. If the content intrinsic height does not satisfy the incoming Constraints, the parent layout will be reported a size coerced in the Constraints, and the position of the content will be automatically offset to be centered on the space assigned to the child by the parent layout under the assumption that Constraints were respected.

fun Modifier.requiredHeight(height: Int): Modifier

Declare the height of the content to be exactly height. The incoming measurement Constraints will not override this value. If the content chooses a size that does not satisfy the incoming Constraints, the parent layout will be reported a size coerced in the Constraints, and the position of the content will be automatically offset to be centered on the space assigned to the child by the parent layout under the assumption that Constraints were respected.

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fun Modifier.requiredHeightIn(min: Int = Unspecified, max: Int = Unspecified): Modifier

Constrain the height of the content to be between min and max. If the content chooses a size that does not satisfy the incoming Constraints, the parent layout will be reported a size coerced in the Constraints, and the position of the content will be automatically offset to be centered on the space assigned to the child by the parent layout under the assumption that Constraints were respected.

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Declare the size of the content to be exactly size. The incoming measurement Constraints will not override this value. If the content chooses a size that does not satisfy the incoming Constraints, the parent layout will be reported a size coerced in the Constraints, and the position of the content will be automatically offset to be centered on the space assigned to the child by the parent layout under the assumption that Constraints were respected.

fun Modifier.requiredSize(size: Int): Modifier

Declare the size of the content to be exactly size width and height. The incoming measurement Constraints will not override this value. If the content chooses a size that does not satisfy the incoming Constraints, the parent layout will be reported a size coerced in the Constraints, and the position of the content will be automatically offset to be centered on the space assigned to the child by the parent layout under the assumption that Constraints were respected.

fun Modifier.requiredSize(width: Int, height: Int): Modifier

Declare the size of the content to be exactly width and height. The incoming measurement Constraints will not override this value. If the content chooses a size that does not satisfy the incoming Constraints, the parent layout will be reported a size coerced in the Constraints, and the position of the content will be automatically offset to be centered on the space assigned to the child by the parent layout under the assumption that Constraints were respected.

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fun Modifier.requiredSizeIn(minWidth: Int = Unspecified, minHeight: Int = Unspecified, maxWidth: Int = Unspecified, maxHeight: Int = Unspecified): Modifier

Constrain the width of the content to be between minWidth and maxWidth, and the height of the content to be between minHeight and maxHeight. If the content chooses a size that does not satisfy the incoming Constraints, the parent layout will be reported a size coerced in the Constraints, and the position of the content will be automatically offset to be centered on the space assigned to the child by the parent layout under the assumption that Constraints were respected.

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fun Modifier.requiredWidth(intrinsicSize: IntrinsicSize): Modifier

Declare the width of the content to be exactly the same as the min or max intrinsic width of the content. The incoming measurement Constraints will not override this value. If the content intrinsic width does not satisfy the incoming Constraints, the parent layout will be reported a size coerced in the Constraints, and the position of the content will be automatically offset to be centered on the space assigned to the child by the parent layout under the assumption that Constraints were respected.

fun Modifier.requiredWidth(width: Int): Modifier

Declare the width of the content to be exactly width. The incoming measurement Constraints will not override this value. If the content chooses a size that does not satisfy the incoming Constraints, the parent layout will be reported a size coerced in the Constraints, and the position of the content will be automatically offset to be centered on the space assigned to the child by the parent layout under the assumption that Constraints were respected.

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fun Modifier.requiredWidthIn(min: Int = Unspecified, max: Int = Unspecified): Modifier

Constrain the width of the content to be between min and max. If the content chooses a size that does not satisfy the incoming Constraints, the parent layout will be reported a size coerced in the Constraints, and the position of the content will be automatically offset to be centered on the space assigned to the child by the parent layout under the assumption that Constraints were respected.

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fun Modifier.size(size: IntSize): Modifier

Declare the preferred size of the content to be exactly size. The incoming measurement Constraints may override this value, forcing the content to be either smaller or larger.

fun Modifier.size(size: Int): Modifier

Declare the preferred size of the content to be exactly size square. The incoming measurement Constraints may override this value, forcing the content to be either smaller or larger.

fun Modifier.size(width: Int, height: Int): Modifier

Declare the preferred size of the content to be exactly width by height. The incoming measurement Constraints may override this value, forcing the content to be either smaller or larger.

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fun Modifier.sizeIn(minWidth: Int = Unspecified, minHeight: Int = Unspecified, maxWidth: Int = Unspecified, maxHeight: Int = Unspecified): Modifier

Constrain the width of the content to be between minWidth and maxWidth and the height of the content to be between minHeight and maxHeight as permitted by the incoming measurement Constraints. If the incoming constraints are more restrictive the requested size will obey the incoming constraints and attempt to be as close as possible to the preferred size.

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open infix fun then(other: Modifier): Modifier

Concatenates this modifier with another.

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fun Modifier.width(intrinsicSize: IntrinsicSize): Modifier

Declare the preferred width of the content to be the same as the min or max intrinsic width of the content. The incoming measurement Constraints may override this value, forcing the content to be either smaller or larger.

fun Modifier.width(width: Int): Modifier

Declare the preferred width of the content to be exactly width. The incoming measurement Constraints may override this value, forcing the content to be either smaller or larger.

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fun Modifier.widthIn(min: Int = Unspecified, max: Int = Unspecified): Modifier

Constrain the width of the content to be between min and max as permitted by the incoming measurement Constraints. If the incoming constraints are more restrictive the requested size will obey the incoming constraints and attempt to be as close as possible to the preferred size.

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fun Modifier.wrapContentHeight(align: Alignment.Vertical = Alignment.CenterVertically, unbounded: Boolean = false): Modifier

Allow the content to measure at its desired height without regard for the incoming measurement minimum height constraint, and, if unbounded is true, also without regard for the incoming measurement maximum height constraint. If the content's measured size is smaller than the minimum height constraint, align it within that minimum height space. If the content's measured size is larger than the maximum height constraint (only possible when unbounded is true), align over the maximum height space.

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fun Modifier.wrapContentSize(align: Alignment = Alignment.Center, unbounded: Boolean = false): Modifier

Allow the content to measure at its desired size without regard for the incoming measurement minimum width or minimum height constraints, and, if unbounded is true, also without regard for the incoming maximum constraints. If the content's measured size is smaller than the minimum size constraint, align it within that minimum sized space. If the content's measured size is larger than the maximum size constraint (only possible when unbounded is true), align within the maximum space.

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fun Modifier.wrapContentWidth(align: Alignment.Horizontal = Alignment.CenterHorizontally, unbounded: Boolean = false): Modifier

Allow the content to measure at its desired width without regard for the incoming measurement minimum width constraint, and, if unbounded is true, also without regard for the incoming measurement maximum width constraint. If the content's measured size is smaller than the minimum width constraint, align it within that minimum width space. If the content's measured size is larger than the maximum width constraint (only possible when unbounded is true), align over the maximum width space.